Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Engagement Pics

Get ready for a picture overload. Bobbi Thompson with Journey Photography did our engagement pictures and I'm so in love with them there aren't words. The stars aligned for us and we had a beautiful sunny day in a not so sunny winter. The weather was absolutely freezing, but in the end it was worth it! 

When I look at these pictures I'm reminded once again that I'm the luckiest wife and mom. I have a beautiful family. I don't mean to gush but my husband is so hot! I think to myself all the time "are you for real?" He is just as cute in real life as he photographs. We have some crazy chemistry that can't be denied. And if a cute husband wasn't enough I have an adorable baby girl that has eyes you could get lost in. I count my blessings everyday because of these two. 



  1. These pictures are SO WONDERFUL!! You make such a beautiful couple!! Congratulations!!!

  2. Kenz,

    Wow! THere's a lot I could say but I'll just summarize it to this: You guys are sooo adorable. I especially love the family pictures. You are one of the sweetest happiest people I know and am so glad that you found someone like Dave. I would love to meet him and hangout with you guys sometime! We are in Provo so if you ever come to the area let us know :)


    1. Kylie, I loved hearing from you!!! You are too sweet :) I would love to meet up with you sometime. You're little family is the cutest. Text me so I have you're number 208-380-2000
