Friday, November 9, 2012

Meet Dave

So, I guess it's time to meet Dave! He has kinda been a big part of our life as of late and this is thee journal so here it goes. 

Dave and I were set up on a blind date by our awesome friend Spencer. Spencer kept telling both of us for quite a while what a match the two of us were. We consented and I thought it was a pity date, but I've learned that he really did want to go on a date with me :) 

To make a long story short Spencer was exactly correct we were quite the match. We had an instant connection and have been spending time together since then. It didn't take us long to figure out we had something great! 

Everyone is begging me for details on this cute boy so if you really want to know here you go. He is 27  and from Pocatello. We actually went to the same high school but not at the same time. He served his mission in Spain. He tries to trick people to think he is shy but he really isn't :) He is awesome at tennis and likes to play the guitar. He is a hilarious person and keeps me laughing. He loves to tease and is a expert pranker. He comes from an awesome family and loves his nephews. He is very accident prone but we love him anyways! He can grow a beard like no ones business. He owns a house in my neighborhood, which is very convenient. He is the most kind, selfless and patient person. And that is why I love him! 

If you have seen me lately you will probably agree that I've been just a little bit happy :) I usually can't stop smiling because this boy makes me happier than I knew possible. I know God has a plan for everyone and sometimes it takes time and hard trials to figure that out. I hope that I can be the person that Dave deserves because he is AMAZING and helps me be a better person. 

I may have tricked him into this photo while testing the lighting for a photo shoot but I'm glad I did because seriously look how cute he is!